What it really takes to be a successful mom entrepreneur
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25 - 29
20 Feb 2020
I also wanna share that I've visited some montessori school in cipete area, and one of the school is Twinkle Stars eec, the teacher observes her students see what each child needs and then creates an individual learning plan for her students. The individual plan ensures that children do not feel pressure to learn something they are not ready to learn and that they will not be bored in class waiting for their peers to catch up, and my husband and I really like it.
Last conversation 1 hour ago
30 - 34
25 Oct 2019
Halooo aku Reti, dari tahun 2016 aku mulai merintis jastip bareng sama temenku. Awalnya si karena aku karena emang dasar aku sukaa banget dateng ke bazar-bazar ataupun sale gede dan dulu temen-temen ku dr luar kota suka nitip. Menurutku si lumayan banget ngejastip ini buat ngerem laper mata. karena udah pusing sm belanjaan pesanan klien jadi skip mikir belanja belanja ga penting. hahahahha... sharing dong mom kalo kalian gmn?
Last conversation 1 hour ago